Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Positive Reinforcement Training?

Positive reinforcement training is a method that focuses on rewarding desired behaviors to encourage their repetition. It involves using rewards such as treats, praise, or toys to reinforce positive actions and create a positive association with training.

2. How does Positive Reinforcement differ from other training methods?

Positive reinforcement differs from punishment-based methods by emphasizing rewards for good behavior rather than correction for undesirable actions. It creates a positive and cooperative learning environment for dogs.

3. Can Positive Reinforcement be used for resolving behavioral issues, including reactivity?

Yes, positive reinforcement is effective for addressing behavioral issues, including reactivity. By reinforcing calm and desired behaviors, it helps redirect and reshape a dog's response to specific triggers.

4. What is Clicker Training, and how does it complement Positive Reinforcement?

Clicker training is a form of positive reinforcement that uses a distinct sound (a "click") to mark desired behaviors. It enhances positive reinforcement by providing a clear and immediate signal, followed by a reward, making the learning process more effective.

5. Should I choose Day Training or Private Lessons for my dog?

Considering your schedule and training preferences, here's a quick guide to help you decide:

Day Training:

- Ideal for Busy Schedules: If finding time for dog training is challenging due to your busy weekdays, day training provides a convenient alternative.

- Daily Sessions: Enjoy in-home training with daily sessions from Monday through Friday, focusing on essential skills.

- Transfer Session:  We'll ensure a smooth transition with a transfer session at the end of the training, equipping you to maintain the newly learned behaviors.

Private Lessons:

- Hands-On Training:  If you prefer hands-on, personalized training, private lessons offer efficient and effective sessions.

- Key Skills Emphasis: Dive into essential skills such as clicker mechanics, capturing, and cueing behavior, tailored to both you and your furry companion.

- Time Commitment: Be ready to invest regular training time of at least 30 minutes every day to reinforce the learned skills with your dog.

Not sure which is right for you? Feel free to reach out, and we'll help you make the best choice for your dog's training journey.

6. Is Positive Reinforcement suitable for training puppies?

Absolutely! Positive reinforcement is ideal for training puppies as it establishes a positive relationship with training early on. It encourages good behavior and sets the foundation for a well-behaved adult dog.

7. What role does Positive Reinforcement play in potty training?

Positive reinforcement is crucial in potty training. Rewarding your dog for eliminating in the appropriate area helps create a positive association with the behavior, making them more likely to repeat it.

8. How can Positive Reinforcement be applied to loose leash walking?

Positive reinforcement can be used to encourage loose leash walking by rewarding your dog for walking beside you without pulling. Consistent reinforcement teaches them that walking calmly results in positive outcomes.

9. Can I start training my dog for loose leash walking and other behaviors at any age?

Absolutely! It's never too late to start training your dog. While starting early can have its advantages, dogs of all ages can learn new behaviors. The key is patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Whether you have a playful puppy or a seasoned senior, our training methods can be adapted to suit your dog's age and needs. We believe in creating a positive and enjoyable learning experience for dogs at any stage of life.

10. How can mindfulness be incorporated into dog training?

Mindfulness in dog training involves being fully present and aware during training sessions. It means observing your dog's cues, staying patient, and maintaining a calm demeanor. Clicker training enhances mindfulness by providing a precise signal for desired behaviors.

11. Are there resources to learn more about Positive Reinforcement, Clicker Training, and Mindful Training?

 Absolutely! Explore resources such as Karen Pryor Academy, Karen Pryor's book "Don't Shoot the Dog," and "Click to Calm" by Emma Parsons for comprehensive insights into positive reinforcement, clicker training, and mindful training methods. These valuable sources provide practical guidance and techniques for effective and compassionate dog training.

12. What are the requirements for bringing a service dog on a plane?

Under the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), a service animal is defined as a dog individually trained to perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability. Airlines are required to recognize and transport service dogs on flights to, within, and from the United States. Other species may be transported at the airline's discretion.

Airlines can deny transport to a service dog if it violates safety or health requirements, poses a threat, causes disruption, or if required forms are not provided. Determining if an animal is a service animal involves asking the passenger, looking for indicators like harnesses, and observing behavior.

Required documentation may include a U.S. DOT form on the animal's health, behavior, and training. Tips for traveling with a service animal include ensuring proper behavior, finding relief areas at the airport, and understanding requirements when traveling outside the United States.    For more information Click Here to go to the DOT website.

(512)470-8083 | |Somerville, NJ
